Tuesday, October 16, 2012

1st International Race

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" One of my favorite quotes. Well I am about to take a journey, and it is about 4486 miles. It started out May 17, 2012 with a email saying "thank you for your interest in the "Athletic Exchange" I submitted my application and crossed my fingers that I would be 1 of the 20 runners that The Columbus Marathon would pick to represent them at the Dresden Marathon, Dresden Germany. A once in a lifetime opportunity to run a International race.

The application was sent! Anticipation grew everyday to wait for a phone call from the director of The Columbus Marathon. Well that call came on June 8th. When I heard the voice on the other end, saying "hello this is Darris, the director of The Columbus Marathon, how are you" Oh I was at a loss for words. I muttered the words "I am great" The conversation with Darris was about why I run, the races I have run and why would I like to go to Germany. The phone call lasted 15 minutes. As I heard him say "we would love to have you as one of the Ambassador, I wanted to answer with professionalism, even though inside I was screaming with excitement. I danced around the room and my husband realized then what I was so excited about.

The summer has flown by and now it is the eve before I fly to Germany. I have never been to Europe, and to think I get to go because of running.  My 1st 5k was three years ago this month. When asked if I wanted to run it, well I never thought of myself as a runner. How hard could it be. It was a ugly run! I came across that finish line a changed person. Maybe the changes didn't happen right then. They did happen though. My next race wouldn't be till the next year 2010. That is when the Running Bug bit me. I couldn't wait to run again. Each race came with a better finish time. I explored unique races to be a part of. Like The Empire State Building and even a Girls Tri Too. The running community has been one with open arms and I love to call myself a Runner!

Many of you know that I dedicate my races to a cause. As I get ready for my half marathon in Germany, I want to share with all of you a story of a little boy named Carter. I will be dedicating my race to him. You can read his story at Caring for Carter
 When I come across the finish line it will not just be for me but to also bring awareness about Hunter syndrome and all MPS's. Thankful to his family for allowing me to share his story! Below is a picture of Carter and I.
The next time I post it will be from Germany!
Until then Run Your Race!!
Kris Olsen
No Limits Running

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Run Your Race

We all have a story to tell. This is my story and its about running and how such a simple thing(maybe not at first) can make such a big change or many changes in your life.
A few years ago I was asked by a good friend to come run a 3 Miler race. "Its a fun race", is all I heard. Maybe that is all I wanted to hear. I wanted some fun in my life. Months before this race I lost my oldest brother Jim Jr. to cancer. My father, was fighting cancer. Fun, yeah I needed that and some laughter. My words to my friend was "how hard can it be" Whew 48 minutes later, overdressed for a race, the wrong shoes and having to walk most of it. I found out this sucks, "who does this"! Many runners do, they were at the finish line laughing and of course having that great cold beer that is promised to you for running a race! As I come to the finish line, my husband who said "I will wait for you here", was just about to leave! Instead of him waiting to cheer me on he was wanting another beer. He did cheer for me, took a picure of my "first" race and hugged me. That was the beginning of the many stories I will have to share on here. I do hope to hear from many of you about your story. The running community has become a huge part of me. Such a postive place to be. I may not be the first one across the finish line, and thats okay. I cross the finish line with my arms raised high and celebrate ME!!
To get to the Finish Line, you need to Start!!
Run Your Race,
No Limits Running